Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ralph Johnston

Ralph was one of the organizers of the Wasoon 2008, that was really, really good. I am so glad I was there!

Ralph has a teaching weaving studio in downtown North Bay, with weaving on Mondays and Wednesdays. Cost is $ 60/month, which includes a floor loom and ongoing advice and planning for personal project of own choice. Weavers can use their own yarn, or buy some yarns at the studio.
Visitors are welcome to look around, or weave something on our occasional "communal warps" - but we're hard to find - tucked in a downtown basement, with no signs , and secure entrance. Call Ralph 705-669-0920 (Sudbury) Tuesday to Saturday, or 705-471-1856 (cell phone) Saturday to Monday for more info.

Ralph has an ongoing interest in ceintures flechees (French Canadian traditional sashes), so if you have an interesting one, or one with a definite date - please contact him. he's slowly working on cataloguing the many kinds of sashes that have been done.

He is available for workshops, seminars, etc.

One of his 1/2 day seminars is on Loom Maintenance - how to get your loom working at its best. As we all know, a poorly working loom can be endless frustration!!
To go with this is a booklet, with step by step instructions to help go through your floor loom (either jack or counter balance - and a little on counter marche) and make the obvious ajustments.
You can get it by taking the seminar, or directly from Ralph, for $11.00 (included taxes). As well as cheques, he accepts Paypal (and Credit Cards through Paypal) so it can be paid for and sent in either regular mail or email form.

He does give occasional workshop in his Sudbury studio, but that's been put on hold for the moment because all his time is being absorbed by one of those never-ending big house renovations! But hopefully that'll be over within a few months...

Ralph is teaching "Sett" at the Halliburton School of the Arts this July 20 to 25, 2008 - a weeklong course learning how to make good cloth using the right reed and beating style, and developing a better sense of when a cloth is well designed structurally, and when it could use a few changes.
To register for this , contact
Haliburton School of the Arts - Fleming College
705 457 1680

Let's learn from the master!

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